Call for Tender

dec 2, 2022

In the spring of 2022, members of the Danish Pelagic Producers Organisation (DPPO) made the novel decision to introduce “fully documented fisheries” on all member vessels in all fisheries.

. The DPPO’s pelagic fleet is the first in Europe to introduce “fully documented fisheries” on all vessels. Beginning in 2023 all member vessels in DPPO will be connected to a closed data system operated and owned by DPPO with the assistance of independent third parties. The transparent system will record and store all relevant fisheries related data from the vessels, including video from CCTV surveillance. All data and information from the fishing operations will be made available directly to control authorities, scientists and other relevant public and private partners.

The DPPO’s pelagic fleet is one of the world’s most modern and advanced. Danish pelagic fishers annually land more than 400,000 tonnes of healthy, sustainably caught herring, mackerel and other species to supply millions of consumers worldwide. These consumers will now be given the additional assurance that the fish is caught and handled responsibly and in full compliance with rules and regulations in Denmark and the EU.

DPPO has now opened a call for tender for a contractor to develop, install and service the “Fully documented fisheries” system. See the link below:


Call for Tender

Dyrevelfærd i sildefiskeriet

Dyrevelfærd i sildefiskeriet

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Fully Documented Fisheries on all vessels

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